Hi! I'm Susanne

In 2014, I attended a 5-day group coaching program to overcome inner barriers for more confidence and to achieve more success; that’s what I thought was what I needed.

Everyone was telling their story.

I didn’t think I had a story to tell -

having had a good upbringing and an ordinary childhood in a middle-class family.  

But by the first day, I was the one sobbing uncontrollably, releasing emotions I didn’t know I had suppressed for decades.

Growing up, we never talked about feelings, and as an adult, I mastered the art of staying in control, looking perfect, and doing what was expected.

As much as my emotional outburst surprised me, it made me feel FREE for the first time in my life. Free from the pretences and the mask that had become my identity, one I’d carried for so long without even realizing it.

Throughout my career job titles and the name of the organisation I worked for gave me a label and a purpose that I didn’t think I had otherwise. I felt like a nobody, insignificant and invisible and I measured my worth based on the level of my bank account or my productivity.

I thought everyone else had their life sorted but me and I put every other women on a "pedestal" thinking they are cleverer and more successful. I never felt I fitted in especially as a "foreigner".

No matter which prestigious organisation I worked for or what my job titles were, I felt empty and unfulfilled. Further qualifications only had a short-lived uplifting effect and didn’t make me feel enough, worthy or belonging for long.  

No matter how hard I tried I never seemed to “get there”.  

Until the last day of that group coaching program – when I finally felt I had arrived! I walked away feeling not only free but truly alive for the first time and at peace with myself.  

And that feeling only got stronger over the years.

  Nowadays I am sharing the same "BC-Broadband Consciousness" methodology and simple steps with my clients, watching them flourish.  

As an ex-corporate professional with 30 year’s experience working in fast-paced office environments in consultancy, Investment Banking, Trading and Asset Management across Frankfurt and London I am well aware of how demanding your job can be and how exhausted, empty and isolated you feel when you constantly try to keep up, chasing your tail and when your life and work becomes a performance.  

Most of us women either endure our corporate existence, plan forever our exit strategy and eventually “have enough” and simply walk away.

Neither is the solution.  

Neither is necessary.  

There is another way.

About me

What makes me happy is a walk in the woods, connecting with people through meaningful conversations and living a lighter life.

What makes me happy is seeing clients courageously stepping away from self-abandonment and discovering a nurturing and supportive relationship with themselves for a heart-led self-leadership.

What makes me happy is seeing women moving from the "passenger seat" into the "driver's seat" and steering their lives in the direction of their deserving desires.

That is also the reason why I founded "Motoristas UK", a female classic and sports car club.

What makes me happy is seeing women becoming the creators of their lives and stop being the waiter.

I am an advocate for well-being and well-living, I love staying fit and active. In the summer you find me balancing on my paddle board, in the winter on my skies and otherwise I am definitely in the Yoga studio. And most days I am in the woods walking with my golden retrievers Tucker & Lella.

I believe when professional women discover their humility within their heart-led self-leadership that steers them forward, instead of the constant need for approval and seeking validation through busyness and hustle as well as performance and false identity they become truly unstoppable and create a ripple effect for future generations.

And I strongly believe that it is possible to go from believing you are a failure and always behind in life to living a successful, balanced and fulfilled life whilst being at peace with yourself.

If you like to learn more, please reach out.

Join our next program. I would love to hear from you, 

Much Love, Susanne x


Get results like these

Working with Susanne was so helpful, a true revelation and eye opening. I was worrying and concerned about my job, felt stressed out and wanted nothing more than to pack my bags and run away.

I had no idea what it actually means to have a relationship with myself, and to make myself a priority so that I can enjoy my career and create a drama free life.

I feel like I have woken up from a deep sleep.

Stephanie B.

Head of Marketing

Consumer Industry

The only feeling I can describe after my sessions with Susanne was one of feeling "new", totally relaxed and contented with myself. Something I haven't experienced before. Now I know what has dragged me down for so long and now I can choose not to beat myself up. I have more self esteem, a self-believe and more importantly I feel really good about myself and the work I do. Plus, I now have a vision for my future that looks positive which I didn't have before. And now that I really have a relationship with myself (I didn't know what that was before) I feel empowered and resilient.

Chris W.

Project Manager

Financial Services

Susanne is my go-to-Guru on all things awareness and "letting go" - which to me, has been a total fresh approach to all things "thinking" and very much eye opening.

Her knowledge, gentle soothing voice and empathy make her a fabulous coach and she has helped me many many times. Susanne gets to the core of an issue and offers a supportive approach.

Dawn B

Corporate Wellbeing Trainer

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