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How to discover a Relationship with Self and nurture it so that it transforms your work environment and beyond

June 19, 20234 min read

How to discover a relationship with self and nurture it so that it transforms your work environment and beyond

We often overlook the most important relationship we have—the one with ourselves.  

Discovering and building a nurturing and warm relationship with self goes beyond the surface level. It has nothing to do with what we have achieved (degrees, certifications, job titles and accumulated wealth) The relationship with yourself is awareness of our true identity.

Why isn’t everyone aware of their true identity and has a relationship with self?

Because over the generations most of us have been taught a sense of self-awareness, instead we have learned in our upbringing and in schools, mostly through observation I might add, that we have to “earn” our place in society and we have to achieve certain milestones in our life to be getting somewhere in terms of status and wealth. We have learned to be competitive, to be jealous, to compare ourselves, to critique ourselves and others and to constantly thrive higher and doing better. And unfortunately, we have learned that whatever we do we will never get there, nothing will ever be enough. And therefore, we will never be enough.

But our past doesn’t mean we have to keep carrying these old, outdated and unhelpful believes. Everyone, regardless of your story can change the way we look at ourselves.

“The biggest Change is when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” – Richard Wilkins, Ministry of Inspiration

Embracing the Deeper Sense of Self:

To truly nurture our relationship with self, we need to delve into the depths of who we are. It involves accepting ourselves fully, regardless of our past and with all our strengths and imperfections. Before we are cultivating a nurturing relationship with self and what it means to acknowledging and embracing our emotions, desires, values, and aspirations we first must ask ourselves if what we believe about ourselves – Is that really true? Are the (mostly negative) labels that we have been given and we have taken on as part of our identity, are those supportive in any way and making us feel good?

Learning to choose (thoughts that create good feelings) allows us to recognize our needs and caring for ourselves on a deeper level. When we prioritize this relationship, we can experience profound positive effects on our day-to-day experiences, especially in the work environment which not only effect us, but everyone we encounter around us. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of nurturing our relationship with self and how it can shape our work life and beyond.


1.    Self-Acceptance: Start by practicing self-acceptance, embracing yourself as you are. Release the tendency to compare yourself to others or hold unrealistic expectations. Embrace your uniqueness and recognize that you are enough just as you are. Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would a dear friend.

2.    Authenticity: Being true to yourself is essential in nurturing your relationship with self. Honour your values, passions, and interests. Express yourself authentically in your work environment, allowing your true self to shine through. Authenticity not only boosts self-confidence but also enhances the quality of your relationships and work contributions.

3.    Self-Reflection: Take time for self-reflection to understand your needs, desires, and goals. Set aside moments of solitude and silence to connect with your inner voice. Explore your passions and interests outside of work, as these can bring fulfilment and balance to your life. Engaging in activities that nourish your soul will positively impact your well-being and, in turn, your work environment.

The Impact on Your Work Environment:

Nurturing your relationship with self has a profound influence on your work environment and day-to-day experiences. Here's how:

1.    Increased Resilience: When you prioritize your relationship with self, you build inner strength and resilience. This resilience helps you navigate challenges and setbacks at work with greater ease. You become more adaptable and open to learning from difficult situations, leading to personal and professional growth.

2.    Enhanced Emotional Well-being: By nurturing your relationship with self, you cultivate emotional well-being. You become more attuned to your emotions and can effectively manage them, reducing stress and fostering a positive work environment. Emotional well-being empowers you to handle conflicts constructively and build meaningful relationships with colleagues.

3.    Improved Work-Life Balance: A strong relationship with self allows you to set healthy boundaries between your personal and professional life. You become more attuned to your needs and can prioritize self-care activities outside of work. This balance revitalizes your energy and allows you to bring your best self to the workplace, increasing productivity and job satisfaction.

4.    Authenticity and Creativity: When you nurture your relationship with self, you tap into your authenticity and creativity. Embracing your true self encourages innovative thinking and fresh perspectives. You become more willing to take calculated risks, contributing valuable ideas and solutions to your work environment.


Cultivating a nurturing relationship with self is a transformative journey that positively impacts all aspects of your life, including the work environment. By embracing your deeper sense of self through self-acceptance, authenticity, and self-reflection, you unlock resilience, emotional well-being (aka well-thinking), improved work-life balance, and enhanced creativity. Remember, by prioritizing your relationship with self, you not only create a fulfilling work life but also foster a happier

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Susanne Kubik

Relationship-with-Self Coach, PracticeYou Mentorship Where corporate female professionals finding their authenticity

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