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Embracing Your Worth

April 16, 20244 min read

Embracing Our Worthiness:

The Foundation to Unleashing Your Potential

"Too many people overvalue

what they are not and

undervalue what they are"

Malcolm S. Forbes

... In the rush of our corporate and personal lives, it's all too easy to become entangled in the relentless pursuit of success, achievement and the need for validation. We tirelessly strive, driven by the insatiable need to prove our worth to the world and the people around us, even though we don't notice. It is not surprising because we have been taught over generations the tale of performance. Our success in life is tied to personal performance, the levels of our bank accounts or the judgement of people around us.

But what if I told you that worthiness isn't a distant goal we need to chase after? What if it's already nestled within us, waiting to be acknowledged, embraced and accepted?

You'll see, we diminish ourselves so often, thinking we are not worthy because we mistake worthiness with something that is either "given" to us by others or something that needs to be "earned" instead of something that we already contain within us. Feeling worthy is our birthright, in case you wonder.

And often we mix up feeling worthy and feeling deserving with wanting or needing something to happen in our lives. We want something specific or aim for a certain goal and it isn't realised, we quickly assume we are simply not worthy or deserving of something good happening to us. Am I right?

Let's just talk about the difference between wanting and deserving. There is a big difference energetically between "wanting" and "deserving". Wanting stems from a place of lack - it is a belief that we don't have what it takes, lacking the believe that we are good enough, and that we don't have what it takes. And therefore we must constantly seek external validation to fill a void. It's a never-ending cycle of striving for more, yet never feeling truly satisfied. When we want or need something we become desperate. And as we know, desperation is a repellent for anything we want to attract in our life.

Deserving, on the other hand, comes from a deep-rooted sense of self-worth, self-trust and acceptance. It's the understanding that we are inherently worthy of love, success, and abundance, simply by virtue of being human.

When we operate from a place of deserving, magic happens. We no longer feel the need to prove ourselves or seek validation from others. Instead, we approach life with a sense of confidence and a deep rooted knowing that we are deserving of all the good things that come our way. We make decisions from a place of empowerment, rather than fear or scarcity. And as a result, we attract more abundance into our lives, both personally and professionally.

So how can we cultivate a sense of worthiness within ourselves?

It starts with shifting our perspective and therefore our mindset. Rather than fixating on our shortcomings and focusing on what we lack or what we need to achieve, let's celebrate our strengths, be proud of our accomplishments and be grateful for what we've already got. Let's extend love, kindness and compassion to ourselves and not only reserve it to others. We recognizing that we are worthy of kindness and self-respect, acknowledging our inherent value that is not tied to external proof. Surrounding ourselves with uplifting individuals and shedding those who diminish our worth further solidifies our self-belief.

As we embrace our worthiness, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities. We step into our power as leaders, innovators, and change-makers. We create fulfilling careers, vibrant relationships, and lives that truly reflect who we are at our core. And most importantly, we inspire others to do the same.

So let me ask you: are you ready to embrace your inner worthiness? Are you ready to step into your greatness and claim the life you truly deserve? The journey starts within you. You decide. Believe in yourself, trust in your worthiness, and watch as the world opens up to you in ways you never thought possible.

Much Love,


PracticeYou Mentorship

PS: If you are interested learning more about how you can deepen your sense of worth, find out more:

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Susanne Kubik

Relationship-with-Self Coach, PracticeYou Mentorship Where corporate female professionals finding their authenticity

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